Bed bugs

A bed bug infestation is my worst nightmare. My first thoughts would include burning down my house so I can appreciate the urge to take extreme measures.
Bed bugs will completely overrun your group home, camp or facility if left untreated. So does throwing away beds, mattresses and other furniture solve your bed bug problem? Nope. Unfortunately, bed bugs can hide anywhere, within mattresses, sofa seams, cracks in the bed frame (metal or wood), under chairs, couches, beds and dust covers, under rugs, edges of carpets, drawers, baseboards and window casings, behind light switches, electrical outlet plates, cracks in plaster, televisions, radio clocks and phones, backpacks, sleeping bags, clothes, behind wallpaper, picture frames, and other dark areas. So do not throw away your furniture. Your furniture will be gone but the bed bugs will still be there, ready to infect your new furniture. This ends up costing you thousands more than effectively treating the home and furniture. Beds and other furniture can be treated for bed bugs.
I’ve had customers ask me about “bed bug proof” furniture and heard rumours that bed bugs can’t live on metal furniture. Unfortunately there is no such thing as “bed bug proof” furniture and the experts, including Orkin and Terminix both agree that bed bugs have no preference to wood vs. metal. Bed bugs seek out dark and tight spaces, no matter the material.
To prevent bed bugs from entering your home:
Do not bring furniture, mattresses, box springs, or bed frames found on the street into your home. Check all used or rented furniture for bed bugs. Only get used or rented furniture from a place with a bed bug prevention policy.
Do not place backpacks, purses or bags on beds, couches, or other areas where you rest or sleep.
When traveling check for bed bugs in your hotel room. Check the bedding, furniture and luggage valet. Keep your suitcases off the bed and check them for bed bugs when departing
For apartments, seal cracks and crevices around plumbing and wiring, this will help prevent bed bugs traveling from next door apartments. If you think you have come into contact with bed bugs, immediately wash and dry your clothing on the hottest setting the fabric can withstand, or store them in a sealed plastic bag until you are able to do so. Shoes, bags and other objects can be put in the dryer for 30 min; at medium-high temperature or the highest temperature the material can tolerate, to kill bed bugs.
Source: University Of Minnesota
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- Lisa Alberico